Professional Studio Photos by NAIT Photographic Technology Students
The Alberta Craft Council worked with graduating students from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) Photographic Technology. This Major Client Project was designed to give the students hands-on experience working with an organization on a large scale project. The ACC arranged for them to visit 12 member studios across the province where they took professional studio photos. The resulting images will be used in ACC communications as well as by the artists themselves. As you can see by some of the examples on this spread they did a fantastic job.
Photographers: Riane Lutz, Taylor Kanary, Tanya Hiltz, Lauren Voisin
ACC Member Participants: Anna Rasmussen, Brenda Malkinson, Charles Lewton-Brain, Dawn Detarando, Brian McArthur, Talar & Jean Claude Prefontaine, Karen Cantine, Keith Walker, Matt Gould, Meghan Wagg, Mindy Andrews, Rachelle LeBlanc, Todd Safronovich
Visit the online gallery here.