#GivingTuesdayCA ❤️ A Growing Legacy
Images (clockwise): Past Linda Stanier Award Recipients: Anna Rasmussen, Christian Barr, John Chalke, Sam Uhlick, Dawn Detarando and JoAnna LangeLinda Stanier Award & Endowment – a Growing Legacy
Linda Stanier was an artist, a potter of exceptional talent. She was prominent in Alberta's active ceramics scene as a maker, technician, teacher, juror, curator, and enthusiastic 20-year member of the Alberta Craft Council, volunteering and serving on the ACC Board of Directors from 1990-94.
Linda touched the lives of everyone she met with her joyful giving spirit and her wonderful sense of humour. It was in honoring Linda’s generosity and devotion to her ceramics community that inspired her family to set up an endowment and award when she passed away in 2004 after her journey with cancer.
November 27, 2018, is GivingTuesday. What is GivingTueday, you ask? After BlackFriday and CyberMonday comes a global movement for giving and volunteering. Across Canada and around the world, GivingTuesday unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another. Today we celebrate and honour the giving spirit of Linda Stanier.
Linda's family worked with the Alberta Craft Council and the Edmonton Community Foundation to establish a permanent endowed award; the Linda Stanier and Family Memorial Award for excellence in ceramic arts.
The endowment for this award was set up with an initial investment from family and friends of $23,743.35 in 2004. The Edmonton Community Foundation manages this endowment, placing it in a range of investments, which averages about 8% in earnings annually. The award money comes from the interest accrued; the amount normally disbursed is 4% of the fund value at the end of the prior year. Approximately 1% of the interest earned goes to fund the operating of the endowment and the Edmonton Community Foundation, and the remaining 3% (on average) stays in the fund as a buffer against inflation or bad investment years.
l to r: Sam Uhlick, Dawn Candy
In the 14 years since the endowment was set up its value has grown to the value of $50,700, with interest accrued, and additional contributions including money raised from the sale of Linda’s ornaments at the ACC. This growing endowment is now able to support an additional disbursement and the ACC is working with Linda’s family and the Edmonton Community Foundation to explore options of how to expand on the good work of this growing legacy.
To date, $14,000 have been awarded to deserving ceramic artists across our province in Linda’s honour.
2005 – Diane Sullivan, Calgary, $1000
2006 - John Chalke, Calgary, $1000
2007 – Katrina Chaytor Calgary, $1000
2008 – Judith Green, Pincher Creek, $1000
2009 – Christian Barr, Wildwood, $1000
2010 – Sam Uhlick, Edmonton, $1000
2011 – Dawn Detarando & Brian McArthur, Red Deer, $1000
2012 - Jim Etzkorn, Medicine Hat, $1000
In 2012, ACC awards went to every other year, doubling the amount awarded
2014 - Anna Rasmussen, Dickson, $2000
2016 - JoAnna Lange, Edmonton, $2000
2018 - Dawn Candy, Red Deer, $2000
(Original article featured in Alberta Craft Magazine, Fall 2018)
Are you interested in learning more on how to set up an endowment with the Alberta Craft Council? Connect with us, send us a message to executivedirector@albertacraft.ab.ca
Wish to donate to the Alberta Craft Council? You can give to us through Canada Helps